• 03 march, 2025
     Christine Siradeghyan, Founder of "Christel Accessories", Co-Founder of "Jack Tekeyan Academy"

    Christine Siradeghyan, Founder of "Christel Accessories", Co-Founder of "Jack Tekeyan Academy"

    - Hello Christine, let's start the interview by discussing your childhood. What kind of child were you, and what were your preferences?

    - Hello, first of all, thank you for inviting me to the interview. Based on what my relatives told me, I can say that as a child I was very calm and gentle. I loved to sing, dance, and attended piano lessons. I graduated from the music school named after Sarajev, now Sarajyan. I have loved to sing since I was a child, and this passion was later demonstrated when I studied in Germany. I sang in a church choir there because I love spiritual music very much. It is another platform for me, providing spiritual nourishment and the strength to make the impossible possible.


    - Tell us about your upbringing, education, and profession.

    - Continuing my previous response, I want to share that I obtained my education at the Faculty of Theology of Yerevan State University and hold a master's degree. I am a religious scholar-theologian by profession. Additionally, I pursued further studies at Friedrich Alexander University in Erlangen, Germany. Currently residing in the United States of America, I am enrolled at Glendale Community College, where I am enhancing my language skills and pursuing a second major in Graphic Design. Furthermore, I have extensively studied marketing, attended various courses, and participated in master classes.

    Christine Siradeghyan, Founder of

    - How many languages do you speak? 

    - When it comes to languages, I can communicate in Armenian, Russian, German, English, I have studied Latin, ancient Greek, and ancient Armenian (Grabar).


    - When and how did you meet your husband, Jack Tekeyan?

    - I met Jack on an online platform, and it was a fateful encounter that completely changed my life and future.

    -Why did you choose to live and establish a business in Armenia?

    - Well, as you may know, Jack is a Lebanese-Armenian who lived and worked in Beirut. He studied at the "Tony&Guy" Hairstyling Academy in England. His love for the motherland motivated him to repatriate, live, and work in Armenia, and even become an ambassador of beauty in his homeland.


    - As I understand it, you and Jack established a beauty salon and academy in Armenia. How did the idea for that come about?

    - Because Jack is a master of his work and a very talented individual, we relocated the business to Armenia. First, we opened the Armenian branch of his salon, and then we established an international academy for hairdressers to educate future professionals. The creation of a modeling school and agency followed this.

    - As far as I know, you are currently in the USA with your children. What is the reason for your visit, what activities are you engaged in there, and when are you planning to return?

    - Currently, my children and I are in the USA. My children are attending school there. Education is a top priority for me, and I want to give my children the opportunity to receive a quality education at one of the best universities in the USA. My goal is for them to become educated and intelligent individuals who can serve their country well.


    - You also have a model school. What is the key importance of developing the modeling industry and what is your mission in this field?

    - We also operate a modeling school and agency, where everyone can receive education in modeling, whether they aspire to become models in the future or simply want to learn about it. The modeling sector in our country needs development and promotion. In recent years, significant efforts have been made in that direction, which has had a positive effect in the industry.

    - What difficulties did you face during the implementation of the "Miss Gold Model" contest, how did you overcome it and, according to you, what did you leave behind in the modeling industry?

    The "Miss Gold Model" contest was organized somewhat accidentally. With numerous beauty pageants already in existence, Jack and I decided to create a different kind of competition. Our focus was not solely on the physical beauty of the participants, but also on their originality and modeling abilities. The main goal of the contest was to promote the modeling industry in Armenia and to provide a platform for new talent to enter the international stage.


    - You collaborated with multiple companies in the "Miss Gold Model" contest, including ours. How do you assess the cooperation of businesses?

    - During the competition, we made new friends who kindly sponsored us. Without their help, it would have been very difficult for us to implement a project that required a lot of effort and energy. Despite all its difficulties, the project became very popular, and I believe it will continue to be successful. You, hoonch.am, were also by our side as a media sponsor, with whom the cooperation continues to this day, and I think we will have new projects together.


    - What challenges did you encounter on your path to success and how did you overcome them?

    - As part of our extensive work, we have encountered numerous challenges due to the highly competitive nature of the field and limited opportunities in our country. However, today I would like to focus on the positive instead of dwelling on the difficulties. Challenges have always existed and will continue to do so, and they are crucial for achieving success. There is a Latin phrase "per aspera ad astra" which embodies the spirit of those who rely on their own strength and perseverance to overcome obstacles and accomplish more.

    - What innovations are you integrating into your business?

    One of the trends in our company is the production of our new hair shampoos and masks called "JT Haircare". These products line has already been in the hair care market for two years. Our products are designed for different hair types and qualities.

    The next event will be the exhibition of my husband's paintings, which we plan to organize soon.



    - As a businesswoman, wife, and mother of three children, how do you manage your time and resources?

    - In addition to the above activities, I also have my own brand "Christel Accessories", which has a history of more than eight years. I design the stylish accessories myself, which have been loved by many women for many years. Now I also have an online store and do sales on the online platform of the USA.

    Time is extremely valuable to me as I have very little free time. Balancing work and family requires significant effort, but I adore my job, which is essential for my complete happiness.

     - What are the principles that form the foundation of your approach to team building and leadership?

    - The team is the most important part of work. If your team is professional, you will achieve and overcome everything, work more confidently, and have even more success. Leading a team is not an easy task. To lead a team, you must have patience, the ability to recognize and choose people, good psychology, and be smart in judgment. My husband and I make good teammates. Despite being very different, we always discuss our problems together. Although our opinions are often radically different, we are able to find solutions that satisfy both of us.



    - What advice would you give to women seeking success in the business world?

     - A woman should always strive to achieve more. She should be self-confident, ambitious, and self-reliant, and should never stop educating herself. That is the key to her success. A smart woman will always have a man who respects, appreciates, and loves her. As women, what do we need? - A strong family, a loving husband, good children, and a fulfilling job.



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    Luiza Azatyan, Makeup Artist, Blogger


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